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Dzień Edukacji Narodowej
16 października 2024

14 października obchodziliśmy w naszym przedszkolu Dzień Edukacji Narodowej. Z tej okazji nauczycielki wraz z zerówką (Muminki) przygotowały wyjątkowe przedstawienie dla całego przedszkola.

11 września 2024

Zapraszamy na wydarzenie organizowane w ramach programu TUjestem!





Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: CZERWIEC 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Family (Rodzina), House (Dom), Accessories (Akcesoria)

Kluczowe słownictwo: mummy, daddy, family, house, yellow, red, green, blue, flower, bow tie, presents

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Pass the card on!; Sit on…!; Get on / off the train!; Take something out of the bag!; Take mummy (daddy / Max / Lilly) to the house!Show us...; Look, it’s a match!; Clips on a string! That’s funny!; Go over (the house)!; Which is the odd-one-out?; Put on a bow tie! Mummies / daddies play with me! Dance!; Bravo, kids! Well done!; Good job!; Congratulations!



Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Family (Rodzina), Means of transport (Środki transportu)

Kluczowe słownictwo: mummy, daddy, car, train, boat, balloon, holiday, Let’s go by…

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Find (a car / ...) in the picture!; Repeat like this!; Be quiet / noisy!; What’s next?; What do you think?; Let’s go (on a holiday) together!; They’re going on a holiday!; Let’s bid!; Going once, going twice...; The car is broken!; London Bridge is falling down; You’re my assistant!; Boys! / Girls!; Count down from 5 to 1; Go back to the starting line!; Do it the way you like. Excellent! / Well done! / Good job!; Congratulations!



Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Family (Rodzina), Nature (Przyroda)

Kluczowe słownictwo: mummy, daddy, brother, sister, baby, flower, bush, tree, pink, purple, green, clap, tap, pat, finger, family photo, Follow me!, Say cheese!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Where is daddy (mummy / …)?; Where are you?; This is the elf family; I love you!; Put the...(daddy) on your finger, like this; Here I am!; Who’s this?; Draw your...(daddy)!; Follow me!; Let’s run (hop / fly)!; Say: cheese!; What’s under...(“red” / ...)?; Listen and point!; Can I have the...(purple bush)?; Point to... (the pink flower / …)!; Put your hand on the... (pink flower)!; Wake up! It is Family Day!; Go under the flower (the tree /...); Who wants... a purple bush?; Give your card to somebody!; Look at the photo; Do you like it?



Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Garden and gardening (Ogród i praca w ogrodzie), Family (Rodzina), Animals and insects (Zwierzęta i owady), Plant growth process (Cykl rozwojowy rośliny)

Kluczowe słownictwo: mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, garden, digging holes, planting seeds, watering seeds, picking flowers, Can I help, too?, There’s so much to do!, parrot, fly, spider, I’m a little seed!, sun, warm, rain, grow, deep, up, flower, tall

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Listen / Look at the picture carefully!; Who wants to play?; Hands up!; What’s missing?; What can it be?; Come up here!; Pass ..(the cards) on!; Sit...(down / by me / on the stars)!; Repeat after me (in a happy / sad /... voice)!; What am I doing?What are you doing?; What is she / he doing?; Who is...(planting seeds)?; Swap places!; I’m... (in the garden / digging holes); Are you...(planting seeds)?; Yes, I am! / No, I’m not!; Do you like... (playing in the garden)?; I’m... (a little seed / hiding deep / a flower / so tall);

I grow!;


Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: MAJ 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Animal’s homes (Zwierzęta i ich domy), Actions (Czynności), Colours (Kolory)

Kluczowe słownictwo: fish, bird, frog, tree, water, grass, swim, fly, jump, yellow, red, blue, green

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Help me find...; Where can it be?; Maybe here?; Perfect, here it is!; Birds / fish, play with me!!; Find something (green)!; How many?; Glub; Tweet; Croak; Wake up!; What’s missing?; Put your hands in!; (The fish) needs (water); What does it say?; Jump (in the grass)!; Swim (in the water)!; Fly (into the tree)!; Like (a fish)!


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Bugs in the grass (Małe zwierzęta – „robaczki” w trawie)

Kluczowe słownictwo: ladybird, bee, ant, catepillar, colours, numbers 1-5, grass, flowers, bugs

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Jump (three times)!; Are we standing in a circle?; Is he under…?; Let’s do magic!; Sort the balls (bags/crayons)!; What’s there behind...?; How many bugs are left?; Fly like (a ladybird)!; Buzz like a bee!; Smell the flowers!; Put (your cards) face down!; Show us (your card)!; Put the bugs on (your head/...), like this!; What’s inside?; small/big; Let’s sing and dance!


Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Farm animals (Zwierzęta na wsi), Body parts (Części ciała), Actions (Czynności), Numbers 1-6 (Liczby 1-6)

Kluczowe słownictwo: bunny, duck, pig, cat, dog, tail, clean, dirty, feet, wash, climb, swim, hop, roll, numbers 1-6

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Turn left, like this!; Let’s make a train!; Quack; Meow; Oink; Woof; How are you?; Fine, thank you!; Swap!; What’s this?; Make a circle and sit down; Come up here; Show me...!; Ready, steady... roll and throw!; Listen and point!; It’s a secret!; How many?; Spin the bottle!; Move your body!; A group of three – sit together, here, like this; Pass the cards on!; Who’s got clean (dirty) feet?; Hold your feet up!; Brown for you; Here you are!; Look at your hands!; Clean (dirty) hands?; Wash (dry) your hands, like this!; Go home, quickly!; Are you at home?


Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Wild animals (Dzikie zwierzęta), Parts of the body (Części ciała), Animal body parts (Części ciała zwierząt), Appearance (Wygląd), Emotions and feelings (Emocje i uczucia), Numbers 1-10 (Liczby 1-10), Colours (Kolory)

Kluczowe słownictwo: lion, parrot, monkey, kangaroo, monster, eyes, teeth, wings, tail, arms, feet, big, short, long, I’ve got...!, Who am I?, That’s me!, Do you feel... (happy / sad / scared / curious)?, Yes, I do!, No, I don’t!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Roar like a lion!; Fly like a parrot!; Scratch your head like a monkey!; Hop like a kangaroo!; Where is... (the lion)?; Where are... (the lion’s legs)?; How many... (wings) are there / has... (a parrot) got?; What does it/he/she look like?; It has (got) one head (two wings /...) – what is it?; Listen / Look at the picture carefully!; I’ve got... (two big wings); Who am I?; What’s missing?; What can it be?; Is it a monster?; A funny monster lives here!; Stand... (on the island)!; Run... (around the island)!; Let’s... (catch the animals)!; Don’t... (cross the line)!; The monsters are... (happy/curious)!; Show me/us how you feel; Do you feel... (scared)?; Catch the ball if... (you’re happy)!



Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: KWIECIEŃ 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Spring (Wiosna), Easter (Wielkanoc), My face (Moja twarz)

Kluczowe słownictwo: spring, sunny, egg, chick, yellow, red, green, blue, Easter Bunny, Easter egg, face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, mirror

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Come up here, please; Stand right here, like this; Close / open your eyes, like this!; Where is the spring?; What colour is...?; Colour the eggs!; Who’s the first to touch...?; Everybody: tick-tock!; Stop!; Look, who is in the mirror?; Move your...!; Wash your...!; Move!; Dance!; Face to face! Can I have..., please?


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Spring (Wiosna), Easter (Wielkanoc), Parts of the body (Części ciała)

Kluczowe słownictwo: spring, butterfly, grass, flowers, bee, Easter Bunny, Easter egg, Easter basket, puppet, head, arms, body, knees, feet, left, right, up, down

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Spring time!; Spring is here; Fly up high!; Let’s spin (the bottle)!; (my little) garden; (Let’s) water the grass!; Move with me / like me!; Move your...; I can move my...; Where shall we put...?; Move faster!; Throw the bag...; Who knows?; What does it say?; You are a pair (a team)!; Stand next to...; Look carefully!


Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Spring (Wiosna), Easter (Wielkanoc), Body parts (Części ciała), Big / small (Duże / małe)

Kluczowe słownictwo: spring, butterfly, bee, ladybird, grass, flowers, bee, Easter Bunny, Easter egg, chocolate egg, Easter basket, red, yellow, blue, orange, green, brown, head, hands, tummy, legs, toes, tail, nose, eyes, ears, mouth, hair, big, small, elephant, mouse

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Spring time!; Spring is here; Fly up high!; Let’s spin (the bottle)!; (my little) garden; (Let’s) water the grass!; Let’s find a ladybird; How many dots?; Count...; Let’s make ladybirds; Put the dots on the ladybird!; Put the ladybird on your head (nose/...)!; Point to.. (the Easter Bunny / the Easter egg / ...)!; Can I have the...(Easter Bunny)?; Quickly, let’s follow the Easter Bunny!; I want an Easter egg; Hop, hop, hop and never stop!; Big eggs, small eggs!; Who / what is it?; Hop to the...green; Find...; Put your hands behind your back; Pass the Easter egg; Who’s got the Easter egg?; Touch the...; Spin the bottle!; March! Move with me!; What’s missing?; Close/open your eyes!; Put (yellow/red/...) on (the nose/leg/...)


Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Spring (Wiosna), Easter (Wielkanoc), British customs (Zwyczaje kulturowe Wielkiej Brytanii), Parts of the body (Części ciała), Healthy routines (Zdrowe nawyki)

Kluczowe słownictwo: spring, butterfly, bee, ladybird, grass, flowers, bee, vegetables, Easter Bunny, Easter egg, chocolate egg, Easter basket, hot cross buns, play hopscotch, head, tummy, feet, arms, hands, legs, Can she/he do it?; Yes, she/he can; No she/he can’t; I sleep a lot (brush my teeth / eat broccoli / do sports / go out / smile) every day!; It is healthy!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Spring time!; It is warm!; Fly up high!; Let’s spin (the bottle)!; (my little) garden; (Let’s) water the grass!; Let’s find a ladybird; Eat your vegetables every day; Let’s... (play hopscotch / prepare the Easter basket / decorate easter eggs / have some hot cross buns)!; What do you do / wear in the spring?; Point to.. (the Easter Bunny / the Easter egg / ...)!; Can I have the...(Easter Bunny)?; Quickly, let’s follow the Easter Bunny!; I want an Easter egg; Hop, hop, hop and never stop!; Big eggs, small eggs!; Who / what is it?; Hop to the...green; Find...; Put your hands behind your back; Pass the Easter egg; Who’s got the Easter egg?; Put...(the tissue) on your...(head/tummy/...)!; Nod your head!; Pat your tummy!; Strech your arms!; Clap your hands!; Bend your legs!; Stamp your feet!; Can you do it?; Yes, I can!; I can (stamp my feet); It hurts!; What’s the matter?; Put... (the plaster) on...(your hand); What do you do every day?



Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: MARZEC 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Clothes (Ubrania), Fancy dress party (Bal kostiumowy)

Kluczowe słownictwo: dress, magic wand, hat, badge, blocks, fairy, cowboy, teddy bear, bubbles, presents, cake, red, yellow, green

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What are they?; Line up, everybody line up!; Just like this; Be careful!; Don’t fall into the river!; Take one card from the red pile; Show it to everyone; Here you are!; Repeat slowly, in a low voice/very, very quickly in a high, squeaky voice!; Fly!; Run!; Do magic! Jump!; What’s under (the banana)?; Decorate!


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Clothes (Części garderoby), Getting dressed (Ubieramy się), Numbers 1-5 (Liczebniki 1-5)

Kluczowe słownictwo: shirt, trousers, wellies, raincoat, PJs, sleepy, one, two, three, four, five, It’s late! Put on..., Can you see?’ Help me, please!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Point to...!; Let (it/Boo) go round!; Put it on!; Crawl!; Lie down!; Go to sleep; March!; Put your hands under (the scarf); Not this time, sorry; Unwrap (your flashcard); Everybody wake up!; Wakey-wakey!; Who’s wearing...?; How many of us are wearing...?; I’m ready!; Who’s got (the wellies)?; He’s still not dressed!; Where do they go?; Sit at the table(s); I spy with my little eye...; Work together!; Wash the clothes!; Hang up the laundry!




Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Clothes (Ubrania), Weather (Pogoda),  Numbers 1-5 (Liczebniki 1-5)

Kluczowe słownictwo: hat, scarf, jumper, coat, boots, (It’s) hot!, (It’s) cold!, Where is your...?, Put on your..., numbers 1-5

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Just like me!; Look, what’s that?; Three..two..one..Stop!; What colour is…?; Turn around and close your eyes!; Where is the...?; Pass the bag!; Take something out of the bag; Where do they go?; March!; Point to the.. hat (jumper/boots/...)!; Let’s play!; Put your hand/foot on the hat (coat/...); Boo says...; Pass the cards on; Swap your places; What’s in the brown (blu/...) circle?; Bounce with me!; Max is cold!



Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Food (Jedzenie), Prepositions of place (Przyimki miejsca), Actions (Czynności), Shopping for food (Zakupy spożywcze), Numbers 1-10 (Liczby 1-10)

Kluczowe słownictwo: in; on; under; pizza; broccoli; tomatoes; pineapple; ham; cheese; chop; slice; grate; favourite; box; Do you like...?; I’m hungry!; Where is/are...?; How can I help you?; I’d like some..., please; Here you are; Thank you!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Come on, let’s take the lift with Boo!; (Five) levels up one, two (...)!; Where is/are...?; Is he/she/it in/on/under...(the box/...)?; Put (...) on/in/under the (...)!; Close your eyes, don’t peek!; Find (...)!; Dance!; Fly!; Stop!; Let’s repeat!; I’m (so) hungry!; Let’s make a pizza!; Can you...(make a pizza)?; First, you...; Next, you...; Now, you...; Perfect! Show me (your pizzas)!; Can I have... (a bite of your pizza), please?; Make groups of...(three); Point to...the tomatoes!; Look at (Boo); Is there ...(any ham)?; Are there... (any tomatoes)?; What’s your favourite (food)?; Do you like... (tomatoes)?; What do you like on your pizza?; If you like ... (broccoli), ... (jump)!; Listen; Find; Point (to the right food); Who’s the first to... (put the pizza on the tables)?; Catch someone who... (likes ham)


Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: LUTY 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Good health

W okresie ferii zimowych utrwalanie poznanego dotychczas materiału.

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo: cold, cough, headache, sleep a lot, brush your teeth, blow your nose, eat broccoli, go out, it is healthy,

I’m feeling ill.



Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Good health

W okresie ferii zimowych utrwalanie poznanego dotychczas materiału.

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo: cold, cough, headache, sore throat, stomach ache, sleep a lot, brush your teeth, blow your nose,

eat broccoli, do sports, go out, it is healty, I’m feeling ill.



Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Good health

W okresie ferii zimowych utrwalanie poznanego dotychczas materiału.

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo: cold, cough, headache, sore throat, stomach ache, toothache, earache, sleep a lot, brush your teeth, blow your nose, eat broccoli, do sports, go out, strech your arms, it is healthy, I’m feeling ill.




Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Good health

W okresie ferii zimowych utrwalanie poznanego dotychczas materiału.

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo: cold, cough, headache, sore throat, stomach ache, toothache, earache, fever, sleep a lot, brush your teeth, blow your nose, eat broccoli, do sports, go out, strech your arms, bend your legs, it is healthy, I’m feeling ill.


Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: STYCZEŃ 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Birthday (Urodziny), Toys  (Zabawki), Numbers 1-3 (Liczby 1-3)

Kluczowe słownictwo: teddy bear, blocks, bubbles, cake, presents, candles, Happy birthday!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What a mess! Let’s tidy up!; What’s there in the Magic Box?; Get on / off the train!; Roll / throw (the die); Draw like this; Bingo!; Wow, what can it be?; The big box here... the small box here, on the big one; A cake for Boo! Let’s decorate it!; Let’s draw! Oh, the cake looks beautiful!; Who wants some...? Hands up!; I love it! Keep the presents for Boo!; It’s a secret! Don’t tell Boo!;

Oh, what a wonderful birthday surprise!; Let’s have a party!; Play with me!; Blow out the candles!


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Toys  (Zabawki), Counting / Numbers 1-5 (Liczebniki 1-5)

Kluczowe słownictwo: glue, brush, doll’s house, stick horse, swing, present, mummy, daddy, one, two, three, four, five, I can make...

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Repeat (like this)!; Who can (speak like this)?; funny / high / low / squeaky voice; Crumple a piece of paper; Throw... into / at...; Sorry for the mess!; How many... are there?; Count with me!; I love (presents)!; Get rid of (your blocks); I can see...; Move over!; Spin (and win)!; Sit on...; Go and touch (the wall); Jump / Stomp / Tiptoe!; Hide (the flashcards)!; Try again!; Use (all the colours you like); There’s no room for...; Take a step back / forward!; We need...


Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Toys  (Zabawki), Colours (Kolory), Counting / Numbers 1-5 (Liczebniki 1-5)

Kluczowe słownictwo: doll, ball, car, train, yo-yo, plane, green, brown, orange, one, two, three, four, five, magic

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Oh, boy! Where’s my toy?; Is it a… (doll)?; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; Look for the... (doll) with me!; bounce; swoosh; fly; Crumple a piece of paper; Throw... into / at...; Sorry for the mess!; How many... are there?; Count with me!; For me!; Let’s paint!; Paint with... (yellow /...)!; What colour’s this / that?; Put it on the table(s) / floor; Who painted it?



Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Clothes (Ubrania), Colours (Kolory), Numbers 1-10 (Liczby 1-10), Weather (Pogoda)

Kluczowe słownictwo: It’s hot and sunny!, It’s freezing!, T-shirt, shorts, jacket, trousers, socks, numbers 1-10, colours, I’m wearing...,

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What’s the weather like?; Move (around the room / from side to side / like this); What are you wearing?; What shall we wear?; If you’re wearing... (a jacket / socks / ...) stand by me / jump / turn around!; Point to... (the socks); Find... (all the shoes); Put the sticker; Pick up (the dress)!; What is he / she wearing?; What are they wearing?; Sit (around the flashcards / right here);

Who / What is there in the picture?; How many... (hats) are there?; Count.

Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: GRUDZIEŃ 2022


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Winter (Zima), Christmas (Boże Narodzenie)

Kluczowe słownictwo: winter; cold; snowman; hat; Christmas tree, star, Santa Claus, presents, teddy bear, blocks, bubbles, Merry Christmas!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Look, winter!; Close your eyes, like this!; Look at...!; What is there...?; Let’s (make a snowman)!; Some...for you? Here you are!; Roll, roll, roll, like this!; Where is the Christmas tree?; Well done!; Something is missing!; Where is the star?; Where does it go?; Yes! It goes onto the treetop!; Like this!; walk; run; jump; dance; Put (the teddy bear) into the box!; Who is it?; Put the star on the top on the tree!; Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Winter (Zima), Christmas (Boże Narodzenie)

Kluczowe słownictwo: winter; snowflakes; star; snowman; Santa; presents; teddy bear, blocks, bubbles; snowing; under; Cristmas tree; Merry Christmas!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Winter is coming!; Winter time!; Snowflakes are falling down; Roll the snowballs!; Make a snowman!; Look for (snowflakes)!; What’s the weather like?; Stick it on (snowman’s head)!; Draw the eyes/nose/mouth; Where is the Christmas tree?; Well done!; Something is missing!; Where is the star?; Where does it go?; Yes! It goes onto the treetop!; Like this!; walk; run; jump; dance; Put (the teddy bear) into the box!; Who is it?; Put the star on the top on the tree!; Let’s decorate the Christmas tree!


Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Winter (Zima), Christmas (Boże Narodzenie)

Kluczowe słownictwo: winter; snow; snowballs; snowman; eyes; nose; mouth; tummy; hat; scarf; coat; stockings; decorations; milk and biscuits; Christmas tree; Santa Claus; Merry Christmas!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Let’s make a (small/medium/big) snowball (a snowman); Help me!; Put the (medium/small) snowball on the (big/medium) snowball; Make two balls for the eyes; Draw three buttons on his coat; What’s in the bag?; Is the milk (the Christmas tree) ready?; Are the stockings (the biscuits) ready?; There are no decorations!; Where is/ are the...?; Santa Claus is coming!; Help! Pick up the decorations!


Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Winter (Zima), Christmas (Boże Narodzenie)

Kluczowe słownictwo: winter; skiing; angel; snow; snowman; snowballs; hat; scarf; coat; Christmas tree; Christmas pudding; Santa Claus; It’s snowing; Merry Christmas!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: It’s winter...; It is snowing!; Let’s... (go skiing / make an angel in the snow / have some Christmas pudding / wait for Santa); I’m ...(bored / cold / hungry / sleepy); What’s there (in the Magic Box)?; Point!; Find!; Go...(to the angel)!; Can you see (the angel)?; Do you...(wear a hat) in winter?; Santa Claus is coming!; Colour...(your crackers/them/...)!; How many...(crackers) are there?


Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: LISTOPAD 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Day and night (Dzień i noc); Opposites (Przeciwieństwa)

Kluczowe słownictwo: day, night, sun, star(s), noisy, quiet, up, down, get up, sleep, Let’s play!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: up; down; Listen!; Can you hear?; Hide…(the stars); Find…; Who’s got...?; Abracadabra, abracadee; Where does it go?; Is it quiet or noisy?; That’s right, put it here!; Get up!; Turn around!; Jump three times!; Look carefully!; Stand in a circle; Stand/ jump/ tiptoe; Nice to see you again!; Put your hand in and take a card; Where do they go?; It is night! Be quiet!; They are sleeping! Good night!; It is day!’ Flip!; Congratulations!


Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Weather (Opisywanie pogody)

Kluczowe słownictwo: warm; cold; windy; stormy; snowing; balloon; What’s the weather like?; It’s...; Go away!; Come to us another day!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: It’s too heavy!; Knock, knock!; Who wants (to play/ a straw/ a cotton ball)?; Can I have...?; Here you are!; Here we go!; I’m flying!; Congratulations!; Magic wand; Be careful!; Chase it away!; Abracadabra, abracadee; Look outside!; Are they/ the cards the same?; Get on/ off the train; Grab (the scarf)!; Hold on to it/ the scarf!; Cross it out!; Catch/ Don’t catch the ball!; (Colour the balloon) the way you like; Swap your places!; Draw...; Go for a ride (in a balloon)!


Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Weather (Pogoda); Accessories (Akcesoria)

Kluczowe słownictwo: What’s the weather like?; It’s sunny/ windy/ raining!; Let’s go out!; Put it on!; Take it off!; sunglasses; scarf; umbrella; Splash!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What’s this/ that?; Listen!; Yippee!; Let’s sing a song!; Look!; Match!; Let’s march!; Where is the umbrella/ the scarf?; Where are the sunglasses?; Can I have...(the scarf/ the umbrella/ the sunglasses)?



Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Sport (Sport); Colours (Kolory); Wheather (Pogoda); Numbers 1-10 (Liczby 1-10)

Kluczowe słownictwo: orange; green; brown; white; black; swimming; playing skipping; skiing; jumping; swimsuit; football; skis; skipping rope; It’s hot and sunny; It’s cloudy; It’s foggy; It’s snowing; Is it...(hot and sunny/ cloudy/ foggy/ snowing)?; I like..(swimming); Yes, I do!; No, I don’t!; Can I have...(a swimsuit)?;

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What colour is it?; Catch/ Don’t catch!; Put (the minicards) in the right order!; Where is/ are the...?; Come up here!; Find it/ them!; What’s the weather like?; Show us!/ Show us...; You’re a team!; Line up!; What colour is it?; Where is/ are...?; Press out (the puppets)!; (Boo) likes...(playing football/ swimming); Cross out...(the skis); Draw...(a happy/ sad face).


Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: PAŹDZIERNIK 2023


Grupa wiekowa: 3-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Fruit (Owoce), Eating (Jedzenie), Colours (Kolory)

Kluczowe słownictwo: fruit, apple, pear, banana, fruit salad, plate, red, yellow, green, delicious

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: What is it?, A bag!; Touch!; I can (smell a…); Let’s make a train; Swap your places; Make a fruit salad!; Delicious!; Would you like...? Say:...; Can I have an apple (a pear/...)?; Chop; Match!; What’s inside?; Let’s...,shall we?; Spin!; Close/open your eyes!; What colour is...?; Sit down and...!



Grupa wiekowa: 4-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Fruit and vegetables (Owoce i warzywa); Cooking and eating (Przygotowywanie i jedzenie posiłków)

Kluczowe słownictwo: carrots, corn, peas, beetroots, yellow, orange, red, blue, green, purple, pink, soup, Do you want...?; No, thank you!; Yes, I do!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Where can it be?; Can you see…?; Repeat like this!; Put the flashcards behind your back/ on the floor; No peeking!; Hold your hands!; Ready, steady...Go!; Walk!/Run!/Jump!; Close/Open your eyes!; What’s missing?; Would you like some...?; Sit here; Chop!; Make soup!; Cook!; Stir!; Smell!; Taste!; Is...good to eat?; It is tasty!; Pick up...; I am hungry; Are you hungry?; Let’s tidy up!; Pass it on!; Keep it!



Grupa wiekowa: 5-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Food (Jedzenie), Colours (Kolory)

Kluczowe słownictwo: apples, lemons, peppers, cheese, cheese sandwich, Yummy!; Yucky!; Would you like some lemons/apples/ cheese?; Yes, please!; picnic; picnic basket

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Would you like some (apples/cheese)?; Yes, please!; Let’s (have a picnic)!; Look!; Smell (the apples/the cheese/it/them!); Wake up!; It’s picnic time!; Where’s (my picnic basket)?; Put it on the floor!; Pick (it/them/the apples) up!; Point!; Swap your places!


Grupa wiekowa: 6-LATKI

Zakres tematyczny: Shapes (Figury geometryczne), Colours (Kolory), Space (Kosmos), Numbers 1-10 (Liczby 1-10)

Kluczowe słownictwo: lift, circle, triangle, square, star, yellow, red, blue, pink, purple, telescope, space rocket, space robot; Yes, I can!

Struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne: Where is…?/Where are…?; Let’s take a lift!; Open the door!; Get in; Press the button; Go up the tree; Repeat after me!; Help me...; Find; Make...(a triangle); What are those?; Move (like a robot); Who wants to play?; Hands up!; Can you see...(a triangle)?; Can you do it?; Yes, I can!; What’s missing?; Draw; What am I drawing?; What colour is it?; Look; Listen; Point; Make; Colour; Count; Repeat slowly/quickly/in a low/high voice

Język angielski – materiał realizowany w miesiącu: WRZESIEŃ 2023

Grupa wiekowa

Zakres tematyczny

Kluczowe słownictwo

struktury i kluczowe słownictwo bierne














(Witamy się i żegnamy)


Boo, Lilly and Max

(Poznajemy bohaterów kursu)














I see...




Let’s (make a circle / sing a song)

Sit down; Stand up

Open (the Magic Box)!

Look at Max!

Where is Max (Lilly)?

Point (to...)


What’s your name?

Go to sleep

Can you see?

Put (the green / red / yellow) leaves on...!

Pick up...! Drop...(onto the floor)!

Let’s march!

Step on...

Story time!




(Witamy się i żegnamy)


Boo, Lilly and Max

(Poznajemy bohaterów kursu)


Everyday things

(Przedmioty wokół nas)


Colours of the rainbow

(Kolory tęczy)













red green




Have you got...?

Yes, I have


How are you?

Stand up! Stand in a circle / in a line.

Come up here!

Roll the die!

One, two, three, four, five

High five!

That’s right!

What is it? / What are they?

What colour is...?

Let’s (play, sing, ...)

Tell me.. / Touch...

Step on...

What’s in the Magic Box?

Where are you / they?

Where is...?

What colour is...?

Story time!

You are a team!

What can you see?

What a mess!

Well done! / Excellent!





(Witamy się i żegnamy)


Boo, Lilly and Max

(Poznajemy bohaterów kursu)






(Części twarzy)






Where are you?









See you soon!

Sit down! Stand up!

Make a circle!

Knock, knock!

Tidy up!

Help me, please!

Listen! Can you hear?

Is that you / me / Boo?

It’s not me / you!

What’s in the Magic Box?

Where are you / they?

Where is...?

What colour is...?

Where is (yellow / red / Boo)?

Touch...(your nose / the red colour)

Are you ready?




(Witamy się i żegnamy)


Personal details

(Przedstawiamy się)


My house

(Mój dom)


Rooms in the house

(Pomieszczenia w domu)


Everyday routines

(Codzienne czynności)







What’s your name?

My name is...

How old are you?

I’m six.

one, two, three, four, five, six





dining room



brush your teeth

play hide and seek

big / small





Who is it? /What is it?

What are they?

Where is / are...?

Sit down! Stand up!

Put your finger on...

Look at me!

Listen, please!

Take 3 steps.

Turn left / right!

Find a partner.

Stretch up high.

Give me a smile!

Every day I...(cook / sleep /...)

Which room is it?

What do you do in...(the attic / the kitchen/...)?

Look. / Listen. / Point.

Put it here.

Let’s play!

What’s missing?




Przedszkole nr 107
"Bajkowe Przedszkole"

ul. Wilgi 29
04-831 Warszawa

tel: 22 277-11-73
e-mail: p107@eduwarszawa.pl

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